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How to embed Google Photos Videos and get Direct Download link of it

How to embed Google Photos Videos and get Direct Download link of it 

Q.1 Where's The ID
Steps :- 

1. Get the link of the video (Circled by red color in picture below).
2. Then Get the ID of the Video .

Q.2 Create Direct Download Link

Steps :- 

1. Click on Three Dots (Options) and then Download (or Press Shift + D)

2. Go to chrome Downloads (Ctrl + J) and copy the link of video Using Right Click .....

3. Now , Direct Download Link is Copied .

Q.3 Add video to Other Websites Using <Video> Tag
Steps :- 
1. Add the Direct Download Link to your <Video> Tags Src Attribute 

    <video id="player1" width="750" height="421" controls preload="none">
         <source src="[Direct Download Link of Video]" type="video/mp4">

2. Your Video Will be Played Succefully .
Example Before Adding Custom Video Player :- 

After Adding Custom Video Player (MediaElements.JS) :- 


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