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Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage Using JavaScript

Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage

Simply Add this Code To your Blogger's Post or Webpage if the person wil Enter Wrong PassWork You Page Will Be reloaded and it will ask one more time.

  var person = prompt("Please enter Security Key", "Harry Potter");

if (person != "pass") {

Here Pass is your password and Harry Potter is default value of the prompt and pass is the Password in this script.

Focus B
Here Instead of location.reload(); you can also use location.href = ""; to redirect user to website url(Here if user will insert Wrong Password.

You can use this code as simple JavaScript on Bloggers Post or Simple HTML webpage also.

But not use it for more confidential items because and user can view-source and search for the javascript or password. 

Focus C

But Here's a Trick if you want to hide the JavaScript Then You can Use

Then the Javascript will look like this and it will still work same.

var _0x5e96=['707809xKAHWm','69oGzANh','91502jRAcKJ','1keNRri','1StGNiH','5915iWkDvx','491vnesPa','10ycFAuN','15629tTerXl','Please\x20enter\x20Security\x20Key','503105cqAheU','54911WuXQlj','1477DkgJYs','pass'];var _0x1cb0=function(_0x263616,_0x3e3deb){_0x263616=_0x263616-0x6e;var _0x5e967a=_0x5e96[_0x263616];return _0x5e967a;};var _0x3964d2=_0x1cb0;(function(_0x5403ff,_0x3e873d){var _0x7699bc=_0x1cb0;while(!![]){try{var _0x129269=parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x7a))+-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x78))*-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x7b))+-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x6f))*parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x79))+-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x72))*-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x71))+-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x6e))*-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x74))+parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x70))*-parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x76))+parseInt(_0x7699bc(0x75));if(_0x129269===_0x3e873d)break;else _0x5403ff['push'](_0x5403ff['shift']());}catch(_0x1c6bd5){_0x5403ff['push'](_0x5403ff['shift']());}}}(_0x5e96,0x5cd73));var person=prompt(_0x3964d2(0x73),'Harry\x20Potter');person!=_0x3964d2(0x77)&&location['reload']();


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