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Hide JavaScript From Website - JavaScript Obfuscator Tool

JavaScript Obfuscator Tool

JavaScript Obfuscator Tool

A free and efficient obfuscator for JavaScript (including partial support of ES2019). Make your code harder to copy and prevent people from stealing your work. This tool is a Web UI to the excellent (and open source) javascript-obfuscator@2.11.0 created by Timofey Kachalov.

What is this?

This tool transforms your original JavaScript source code into a new representation that's harder to understand, copy, re-use and modify without authorization. The obfuscated result will have the exact functionality of the original code.

So, it is like UglifyJS, Closure Compiler, etc?

Yes and no. While UglifyJS (and others minifiers) does make the output code harder to understand (compressed and ugly), it can be easily transformed into something readable using a JS Beautifier.

This tool prevents that by using various transformations and "traps", such as self-defending and debug protection.

How does the obfuscation work?

Through a series of transformations, such as variable / function / arguments renaming, string removal, and others, your source code is transformed into something unreadable, while working exactly as before.

Read more in the FAQ...

Sounds great!

Just paste your code or upload it below and click on "obfuscate".

Also, be sure to read about all the options to understand all the trade-offs between code protection and code size / speed.

Summary :-

This Tool basically make the javascript code harder to read by humans.

But it Functions and works same.

Example :-

1. This is Simple Javascript Programme. (Readable)
// Paste your JavaScript code here
function hi() {
console.log("Hello World!");

2. This is Obfuscated JavaScript.(Not-Readedable but works same)

var _0x256e=['457krYSNY','26GMEzbu','30914kORuBl','391321fynpZv','2uXzYLu','1832687NrdiqD','173730MhaZvN','1396pIYNSp','Hello\x20World!','46471gOvvCM','log','1NkNFeY','529014xeknWk'];var _0x4669=function(_0x35835a,_0x166b40){_0x35835a=_0x35835a-0x8e;var _0x256eda=_0x256e[_0x35835a];return _0x256eda;};(function(_0x22fa8d,_0x56e1a7){var _0xbf51f4=_0x4669;while(!![]){try{var _0x523133=-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x8e))*-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x9a))+-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x98))+-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x92))+parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x90))*-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x8f))+-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x97))*-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x95))+-parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x93))*parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x99))+parseInt(_0xbf51f4(0x91));if(_0x523133===_0x56e1a7)break;else _0x22fa8d['push'](_0x22fa8d['shift']());}catch(_0x5d8605){_0x22fa8d['push'](_0x22fa8d['shift']());}}}(_0x256e,0x889cc));function hi(){var _0x488b25=_0x4669;console[_0x488b25(0x96)](_0x488b25(0x94));}hi();


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