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Moovie.js - Media player made for movies - Integration 🚀

To know more features about this player visit GitHub .

GitHub logo BMSVieira / moovie.js

Movie focused HTML5 Player

Demo ▪️ Installation ▪️ Shortcuts ▪️ API ▪️ Integrations ▪️ Events
Styling ▪️ Plugins ▪️ Custom Events ▪️ i18n ▪️ Settings

◼️ Features:

  • 🔧 Fully customizable and Easy-to-use
  • 💎 Built-in caption offset adjust on the fly
  • 🎬 Built-in support for .vtt and .srt caption files
  • 🕹 Built-in Plugins, use the code that you really need!
  • 🎯 Built-in CustomEvents, add multiple events that will run a specific currentTime
  • 🖊 Add tracks/captions dynamically using our API
  • 🗃 Add tracks/captions locally on the fly (no server or upload required)
  • 🌠 Adjust speed on the fly
  • 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API
  • 🖌 Caption customization
  • 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS
  • 🌎 Tested in all modern browsers
  • 💻 Responsive
  • 🗃 Integration with webtorrent.js, dash.js, Shaka Player and hls.js
  • 🌎 Internationalization (i18n) of controls

◼️ Demo:

◼️ Installation (Browser):

1 - Include JavaScript Source.

<script src="path/to/moovie.js"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can download it from GitHub or if you want to use it using CDN then below are the steps.

I slightly modified this library because while integrating with jsDelivr CDN there was and icon issue(icons were not showing). You have to download and upload this to your website for the player. But now All things are shorted out 👍. #NoErrorOnUsingCDN

See File on SopPlayer :-

◼️ Demo:

◼️ Installation (Browser):

1 - Include JavaScript Source.

<script src=""></script>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2 - Include Styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3 - Set HTML.

<video id="example1" poster="<<path-to-poster>>">
  <source src="<<path-to-file.mp4>>" type="video/mp4">
  <track kind="captions" label="Portuguese" srclang="pt" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
  <track kind="captions" label="English" srclang="en" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example :-

4 - Initilize.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
   video1 = new Moovie({
      selector: "#example1",
      config: {
          controls : {
              playtime : true,
              mute : true,
              volume : true,
              subtitles : true,
              config : true,
              fullscreen : true,
              submenuCaptions : true,
              submenuOffset : true,
              submenuSpeed : true,
              allowLocalSubtitles : true
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Note: Do not forget to not include "icons" folder. Because the error was fixed. Here ->

GitHub logo BMSVieira / moovie.js

Movie focused HTML5 Player

Demo ▪️ Installation ▪️ Shortcuts ▪️ API ▪️ Integrations ▪️ Events
Styling ▪️ Plugins ▪️ Custom Events ▪️ i18n ▪️ Settings

◼️ Features:

  • 🔧 Fully customizable and Easy-to-use
  • 💎 Built-in caption offset adjust on the fly
  • 🎬 Built-in support for .vtt and .srt caption files
  • 🕹 Built-in Plugins, use the code that you really need!
  • 🎯 Built-in CustomEvents, add multiple events that will run a specific currentTime
  • 🖊 Add tracks/captions dynamically using our API
  • 🗃 Add tracks/captions locally on the fly (no server or upload required)
  • 🌠 Adjust speed on the fly
  • 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API
  • 🖌 Caption customization
  • 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS
  • 🌎 Tested in all modern browsers
  • 💻 Responsive
  • 🗃 Integration with webtorrent.js, dash.js, Shaka Player and hls.js
  • 🌎 Internationalization (i18n) of controls

◼️ Demo:

◼️ Installation (Browser):

1 - Include JavaScript Source.

<script src="path/to/moovie.js"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Customizing and Styling

◼️ Styling > Colors:

Using CSS Custom Properties you can easily customize your own player.

Check below a list of variables and what they are used for:

Name Description Default
--moovie_main_color Moovie main color #3191f7
--moovie_bg_controls Background color when hover the buttons rgba(16, 34, 62, 0.6)
--moovie_bg_submenu Submenu background color #f7f7f7
--moovie_bg_cuetimer Cuetimer background color #2b2b2b
--moovie_submenu_options_fcolor Submenu text color #515151
--moovie_topic_submenu_fcolor Submenu topic text color #797979
--moovie_currenttime_color CurrentTime text color white
--moovie_submenu_options_fsize Submenu options font size 10pt
--moovie_topic_submenu_fsize Submenu topic font size 9pt
--moovie_currenttime_fsize CurrentTime font size 11pt
--moovie_cuetimer_fsize Cuetimer font size 9pt
--moovie_svgicons_width Icons size 15px
--moovie_padding_controls Control bar padding 13px
--moovie_caption_fcolor Captions text color white
--moovie_cuetimer_fcolor Cuetimer text color white

See Style Customized Demo :-

Checkout more Video Players :-

Demo ▪️ Installation ▪️ Shortcuts ▪️ API ▪️ Integrations ▪️ Events
Styling ▪️ Plugins ▪️ Custom Events ▪️ i18n ▪️ Settings

◼️ Features:

  • 🔧 Fully customizable and Easy-to-use
  • 💎 Built-in caption offset adjust on the fly
  • 🎬 Built-in support for .vtt and .srt caption files
  • 🕹 Built-in Plugins, use the code that you really need!
  • 🎯 Built-in CustomEvents, add multiple events that will run a specific currentTime
  • 🖊 Add tracks/captions dynamically using our API
  • 🗃 Add tracks/captions locally on the fly (no server or upload required)
  • 🌠 Adjust speed on the fly
  • 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API
  • 🖌 Caption customization
  • 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS
  • 🌎 Tested in all modern browsers
  • 💻 Responsive
  • 🗃 Integration with webtorrent.js, dash.js, Shaka Player and hls.js
  • 🌎 Internationalization (i18n) of controls


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