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Upload files to a Hugging Face space using the CLI and Python, including remote file uploads

How to upload files to a Hugging Face space using the CLI and Python, including remote file uploads:

Uploading Files to Hugging Face Spaces

Hugging Face Spaces allow you to easily host models and apps. A key part of managing a Space is uploading files - like datasets, model files, images, etc. Here are some tips on how to upload files to your Space using the Hugging Face CLI and Python library.

Uploading Local Files

To upload a local file to your Space from the command line, use the huggingface-cli upload command:

huggingface-cli upload username/my-space ./local/file.txt

This will upload file.txt directly to the root of your Space. You can also specify a path within the Space:

huggingface-cli upload username/my-space ./local/data.csv data/data.csv

In Python, install the huggingface_hub library and use upload_file():

from huggingface_hub import login, upload_file



You can upload entire folders using upload_folder() instead.

Uploading Remote Files

To upload a file from a URL to your Space, you can use the huggingface-cli with the --remote flag:

huggingface-cli upload username/my-space --remote

This will download the file and upload it. In Python, you can use the requests library:

import requests
from huggingface_hub import login, upload_file

url = ""

# Download file
response = requests.get(url)
contents = response.content



This way you can download a remote file and directly upload the contents to your Space in one step.


Key points:

  • Use huggingface-cli upload to upload local files and folders
  • Pass --remote to upload directly from a URL
  • In Python, use upload_file() and upload_folder() from huggingface_hub
  • Download remote files first before uploading the contents

This provides some handy code snippets to easily manage files in your Hugging Face Spaces!


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