Skip to main content Top Supported Embedding Liquid Syntax supports embedding various types of content directly into your articles to enrich the reading experience. Here are some embedding options that you can utilize:

  1. CodePen: You can embed interactive CodePen demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% codepen penId %}
  2. Gist: You can embed GitHub Gists into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% gist username/gistId %}
  3. YouTube Videos: You can embed YouTube videos into your articles using the following syntax (Instead of id you can use link of the video also) :

    {% youtube videoId %}
  4. Twitter Tweets: You can embed tweets from Twitter directly into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% twitter tweetUrl %}
  5. Spotify Playlists: You can embed Spotify playlists into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% spotify playlistUrl %}
  6. Instagram Posts: You can embed Instagram posts into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% instagram postUrl %}
  7. JSFiddle: You can embed JSFiddle demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% jsfiddle fiddleId %}
  8. SoundCloud Tracks: You can embed SoundCloud tracks into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% soundcloud trackUrl %}
  9. CodeSandbox: You can embed CodeSandbox demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% codesandbox sandboxId %}
  10. Twitch Streams: You can embed Twitch streams into your articles using the following syntax:

    {% twitch streamId %}

  1. Post

    {% post postLink %}
  2. Organization

    {% Organization OrganizationId %}
  3. link
    {% link Link %}
  4. User
    {% user userId %}
  5. Podcast
    {% podcast podcastId %}
    {% devcomment 40fh %}

You can use the links instead of id's sometimes. also supports some HTML to be exicuted. summary, details, h1, img, br, video Tag etc. Remaining you can tell me in comments to modify and enhance the enhancing Article. These embedding options allow you to include a wide range of content directly within your articles on, making them more interactive and engaging for your readers. Also Supports some HTML Syntax.

Supported URL Embeds

  • DEV Community Comment
  • DEV Community Link
  • DEV Community Link
  • DEV Community Listing
  • DEV Community Organization
  • DEV Community Podcast Episode
  • DEV Community Tag
  • DEV Community User Profile
  • asciinema
  • CodePen
  • CodeSandbox
  • DotNetFiddle
  • GitHub Gist, Issue or Repository
  • Glitch
  • Instagram
  • JSFiddle
  • JSitor
  • Loom
  • Kotlin
  • Medium
  • Next Tech
  • Reddit
  • Replit
  • Slideshare
  • Speaker Deck
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • StackBlitz
  • Stackery
  • Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Twitter timeline
  • Wikipedia
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube


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