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Showing posts with the label Blogger

Google Drive Proxy Video Player - Bypass Limits - JW Player - Embed drive videos

GooDrive :- Google Drive Proxy Player #1 :- Article

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Vanilla JavaScript - KWG Video Player

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Vanilla JavaScript KWG Video Player is a free custom HTML5 video player. It is written in Vanilla JavaScript and no library is required for it to run. The video player can be used in different web projects freely. Multiple instances of the video player can be used in a single page. and the appearance of the player can be customized. Upon creating a KWG Video Player, an Object is created in which one of the members is html5 <video> element and all Media events, properties and methods are available for it. For the whole functionality of KWG Video Player , see documentation source . Integration 1. Load CDNs <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "" /> <script src= "" ></script>

Unlimited Articles for Blogger/WordPress just copy paste html ft.

About Copyrights :- Actually we don't need it in the case or because itself provides an API that can be used to grab content from whole Articles content to our website. What do you think about it. Please reply Checkout the API docs and terms and say if still you will be not agree I will remove this content. :-

Convert Markdown or md URL to HTML - MarkdownToHTML - Using JavaScript ft. showdownjs

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. John Gruber and Aaron Swartz created Markdown in 2004 as a markup language that is appealing to human readers in its source code form. Wikipedia Using Markdown you will write(code) less and get more(static content). Code given below are basic JavaScript Codes. Easy to Understand you can modify it and make the functions more dynamic. We will Use - showdownjs  to do so :-   Here is the code you can use to change your markdown to HTML and show the html on your Website. <script src=""></script> <div id="mycontent"></div> <script> var converter = new showdown.Converter(); var md = '[**Showdown**]( is *great*\n' + 'because:\n\n' +

Setup/Add HTML Scripts ob Blogger | Install JS Games/ Viral Wishing Sites with mobile view | Switch to first Generation Theme | CXDI

Setup/Add HTML Scripts ob Blogger | Install JS Games/ Viral Wishing Sites with mobile view | Switch to first Generation Theme | CXDI

Change Blogger Permalink to

Change Blogger Permalink to Today We Will Change our URL From :- To :- We will do this thing in Just 2 Steps. Steps :-  Setting Custom Redirect. Set Your Custom Redirect From Setting -> Errors and redirects -> Custom redirects     2.  Changing the Address URL after Load. Using JavaScript. See Full Article . JavaScript Code. window.history.pushState('new' , 'title' , '')

Blogger Limitations - You Must Know

  Blogger Limitations - You Must Know //Source 1 :- Google Blogger Limitations per Account Number of Blogs you can create:  100 per account About Me” profile info:  1200 character Profile Interests and favorites:  2000 character in each field Number of blogs to follow:  300 blogs per account Image size: Images via post editor:  Must be 1600px wide (or) high. If you upload more than 1600px dimensions, it will be scaled down to 1600px. Image for Template background:  No limit. But remember, it shows the impact on page speed. So try to upload low dimension images only. 6. Image file size: Uploaded image via Post editor:  Not more than 8MB. Background for Template image:  the image can ch

Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage Using JavaScript

Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage Simply Add this Code To your Blogger's Post or Webpage if the person wil Enter Wrong PassWork You Page Will Be reloaded and it will ask one more time. <script> var person = prompt("Please enter Security Key", "Harry Potter"); if (person != "pass") { location.reload(); } </script> Here Pass is your password and Harry Potter is default value of the prompt and pass  is the Password in this script. Focus B   Here Instead of location.reload(); you can also use location.href = ""; to redirect user to website url(Here if user will insert Wrong Password. You can use this code as simple JavaScript on Bloggers Post or Simple HTML webpage also. But not use it for more confidential items because and user can view-source and search for the javascript or password.  Focus C But Here's a Trick if you want to hide the JavaScript Then You

Loop Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - loop soploader#2

 Loop Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - loop Video Documentation :- Just Copy Paste the CDN To Get This Loader Preview :- Get Code on :- See Demo :-

Train Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - Trn

 Train Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - Trn Video Documentation :- Just Copy Paste the CDN Just after <body> Tag.  To Get This Loader Preview :- On :- Source :- On Codepen :-   See the Pen Css stylish Loader with CDN #1 by SH20RAJ ( @SH20RAJ ) on CodePen .

Remove Copyright Mark or credit From A Free Blogger Template without redirecting

  Remove Copyright Mark or credit From A Free Blogger Template without Redirecting      See Video Documentation Firstly Let's see which or our afford makes our page redirect...     1. Adding Css Like This to the target class of copyright i.e. -  .footer-copyright <style>.footer-copyright {display : none; font-size : 0px ;}</style>     2.    Adding Js Like This to the target class of copyright i.e. -  .footer-copyright <script> document.querySelector('.footer-copyright').innerHTML = ""; </script> Let's Remove This Copyright Steps :-     1. Search for  //<![CDATA[ in themes -> Edit HTML , and search the obfuscated JavaScript. 2. Remove the Whole Script. 3. Then Search for the copyright class using inspect elements (optional). Maximum times it is  .footer-copyright and remove the whole div element. 4. And Now, It's All Done. or instead of ste

AudiPlay Integration - Free HTML5 Audio Player

  AudiPlay - HTML5 Audio Player AudiPlay Integration - Free HTML5 Audio Player See GitHub :- Steps To Integrate     Step 1 :-  Use  class = "audiplay"  in Your Audio Tag . HERE IS THE AUDIO TAG     <audio controls class="audiplay" > <source src="" type="audio/mp3"/> </audio> <!--Here is the Audio Tag Library--> Step 2 :- Add Javascript CDN Just Before  </ body > Tag HERE IS THE JAVASCRIPT CDN <script src=""></script> <!--Here is the JavaScript Library--> You can also Use Style Attribute in your Audio Tag i.e. -:    style = " width: 700px; "  and You Will Get Responsive Audio Player . Before Adding AudiPlay - Free HTML5 Audio Player After Adding AudiPlay - Free HTML5 Audio Play

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